

A problem encountered when managing large projects is that of avoiding the use of the same name in the same scope for different purposes. This is especially problematic in a language that supports modular design and component libraries.

A namespace is a container for a set of (typically related) definitions of classes, interfaces, traits, functions, and constants. Namespaces serve two purposes:

  • They help avoid name collisions.
  • They allow certain long names to be accessed via shorter, more convenient and readable, names.

A namespace may have sub-namespaces, where a sub-namespace name shares a common prefix with another namespace. For example, the namespace Graphics might have sub-namespaces Graphics\D2 and Graphics\D3, for two- and three-dimensional facilities, respectively. Apart from their common prefix, a namespace and its sub-namespaces have no special relationship. The namespace whose prefix is part of a sub-namespace need not actually exist for the sub-namespace to exist. That is, NS1\Sub can exist without NS1.

In the absence of any namespace definition, the names of subsequent classes, interfaces, traits, functions, and constants are in the default namespace, which has no name, per se.

The namespaces PHP, php, and sub-namespaces beginning with those prefixes are reserved for use by PHP.

Defining Namespaces


   namespace   namespace-name   ;
   namespace   namespace-nameopt   compound-statement


Except for white space and declare-statement, the first occurrence of a namespace-definition in a script must be the first thing in that script.

All occurrence of a namespace-definition in a script must have the compound-statement form or must not have that form; the two forms cannot be mixed within the same script file.

When a script contains source code that is not inside a namespace, and source code that is inside one or namespaces, the namespaced code must use the compound-statement form of namespace-definition.

compound-statement must not contain a namespace-definition.


Although a namespace may contain any PHP source code, the fact that that code is contained in a namespace affects only the declaration and name resolution of classes, interfaces, traits, functions, and constants. For each of those, if they are defined using unqualified or qualified name, the current namespace name is prepended to the specified name. Note that while definition has a short name, the name known to the engine is always the full name, and can be either specified as fully qualified name, composed from current namespace name and specified name, or imported.

Namespace and sub-namespace names are case-insensitive.

The pre-defined constant __NAMESPACE__ contains the name of the current namespace.

When the same namespace is defined in multiple scripts, and those scripts are combined into the same program, the namespace is considered the merger of its individual contributions.

The scope of the non-compound-statement form of namespace-definition runs until the end of the script, or until the lexically next namespace-definition, whichever comes first. The scope of the compound-statement form is the compound-statement.



namespace NS1;
...       // __NAMESPACE__ is "NS1"
namespace NS3\Sub1;
...       // __NAMESPACE__ is "NS3\Sub1"


namespace NS1
...       // __NAMESPACE__ is "NS1"
...       // __NAMESPACE__ is ""
namespace NS3\Sub1;
...       // __NAMESPACE__ is "NS3\Sub1"

Namespace Use Declarations


   use   namespace-function-or-constopt   namespace-use-clauses   ;
   use   namespace-function-or-const   \opt   namespace-name   \   {   namespace-use-group-clauses-1   }   ;
   use   \opt   namespace-name   \   {   namespace-use-group-clauses-2   }   ;

   namespace-use-clauses   ,   namespace-use-clause

   qualified-name   namespace-aliasing-clauseopt

   as   name


   namespace-use-group-clauses-1   ,   namespace-use-group-clause-1

   namespace-name   namespace-aliasing-clauseopt

   namespace-use-group-clauses-2   ,   namespace-use-group-clause-2

   namespace-function-or-constopt   namespace-name   namespace-aliasing-clauseopt


A namespace-use-declaration must not occur except at the top level or directly in the context of a namespace-definition.

If the same qualified-name, name, or namespace-name is imported multiple times in the same scope, each occurrence must have a different alias.


If namespace-use-declaration has a namespace-function-or-const with value function, the statement imports one or more functions. If namespace-use-declaration has a namespace-function-or-const with value const, the statement imports one or more constants. Otherwise, namespace-use-declaration has no namespace-function-or-const. In that case, if namespace-use-clauses is present, the names being imported are considered to be classes/interfaces/traits. Otherwise, namespace-use-group-clauses-2 is present, in which case, the names being imported are considered to be functions, constants, or classes/interfaces/traits based on the respective presence of function or const, or the absence of namespace-function-or-const on each namespace-name in subordinate namespace-use-group-clause-2s.

Note that constant, function and class imports live in different spaces, so the same name can be used as function and class import and apply to the respective cases of class and function use, without interfering with each other.

A namespace-use-declaration imports — that is, makes available — one or more names into a scope, optionally giving them each an alias. Each of those names may designate a namespace, a sub-namespace, a class, an interface, or a trait. If a namespace-aliasing-clause is present, its name is the alias for qualified-name, name, or namespace-name. Otherwise, the right-most name component in qualified-name is the implied alias for qualified-name.


namespace NS1
  const CON1 = 100;
  function f() { ... }
  class C { ... }
  interface I { ... }
  trait T { ... }

namespace NS2
  use \NS1\C, \NS1\I, \NS1\T;
  class D extends C implements I
    use T;  // trait (and not a namespace use declaration)
  $v = \NS1\CON1; // explicit namespace still needed for constants
  \NS1\f();   // explicit namespace still needed for functions

  use \NS1\C as C2; // C2 is an alias for the class name \NS1\C
  $c2 = new C2;

  // importing a group of classes and interfaces
  use \NS\{C11, C12, I10};

  // importing a function
  use function \My\Full\functionName;

  // aliasing a function
  use function \NS1\f as func;
  use function \NS\{f1, g1 as myG};

  // importing a constant
  use const \NS1\CON1;
  use \NS\{const CON11, const CON12};

  $v = CON1; // imported constant
  func();   // imported function

  // importing a class, a constant, and a function
  use \NS\ { C2 as CX, const CON2 as CZ, function f1 as FZ };

Note that the qualified-name is treated as absolute even if it does not start with \. For example:

namespace b
  class B
    function foo(){ echo "goodbye"; }

namespace a\b
  class B
    function foo(){ echo "hello"; }

namespace a
  $b = new b\B();
  $b->foo(); // hello
  use b\B as C;
  $b = new C();
  $b->foo(); // goodbye

Name Lookup

When an existing name is used in source code, the Engine must determine how that name is found with respect to namespace lookup. For this purpose, names can have one of the three following forms:

  • Unqualified name: Such names are just simple names without any prefix, as in the class name Point in the following expression: $p = new Point(3,5). If the current namespace is NS1, the name Point resolves to NS1\Point. If the current namespace is the default namespace, the name Point resolves to just Point. In the case of an unqualified function or constant name, if that name does not exist in the current namespace, a global function or constant by that name is used.
  • Qualified name: Such names have a prefix consisting of a namespace name and/or one or more levels of sub-namespace names, preceding a class, interface, trait, function, or constant name. Such names are relative. For example, D2\Point could be used to refer to the class Point in the sub-namespace D2 of the current namespace. One special case of this is when the first component of the name is the keyword namespace. This means “the current namespace”.
  • Fully qualified name: Such names begin with a backslash (\) and are followed optionally by a namespace name and one or more levels of sub-namespace names, and, finally, a class, interface, trait, function, or constant name. Such names are absolute. For example, \Graphics\D2\Point could be used to refer unambiguously to the class Point in namespace Graphics, sub-namespace D2.

However, if an unqualified name is used in a context where it represents the name of a constant or function, within a non-default namespace, if this namespace does not have such constant of function defined, the global unqualified name is used.

For example:

namespace A\B\C;
function strlen($str)
    return 42;
print strlen("Life, Universe and Everything"); // prints 42
print mb_strlen("Life, Universe and Everything"); // calls global function and prints 29

The names of the standard types (such as Exception), constants (such as PHP_INT_MAX), and library functions (such as is_null) are defined outside any namespace. To refer unambiguously to such names, one can prefix them with a backslash (\), as in \Exception, \PHP_INT_MAX, and \is_null.